A Mother’s Chaos & Connection

A Mother’s Chaos & Connection

Motherhood is tough. The chaos that pairs with the season of life when you live amongst littles has no better comparison than a zoo. I truly upped the ante adding cancer to our chaos. My husband travels a lot for work, and while in active treatment we had lined up...
Who is in the Mirror?

Who is in the Mirror?

As I sit here writing this, I am 9 days away from a surgery I have been waiting 3 years for. Back in 2021, I had a right mastectomy and I had asked for the left to be taken as well, but it was declined, being told it wasn’t a necessary procedure (even though to...
Realistically Optimistic vs Toxic Positivity

Realistically Optimistic vs Toxic Positivity

“You’re gonna beat this!” is something well-meaning friends often say, intending to provide encouragement.   I truly appreciate the sentiment because it means my life has value.   However, an aggressive Inflammatory Breast Cancer that has now...
Mental First-Aid Toolkit

Mental First-Aid Toolkit

Once we receive that IBC diagnosis, we immediately begin to learn how the cancer has affected our bodies…and pretty quickly, we begin to discover how it affects our minds and emotions as well. For me, the rollercoaster of emotions, including fear, uncertainty, hope...

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