Publication dates:
- March 1 – Submission deadline is February 15th
- June 1 – Submission deadline is May 15th
- September 1 – Submission deadline is August 15th
- December 1 – Submission deadline is November 15th
Here are some things to keep in mind:
- The word count for essays is 650-1,200.
- Poems, photography, and artwork are also welcome.
- Please submit 1 to 3 photos with your piece. (Must be 1MB at least to print.)
- We value originality, but we are open to republishing stories that you may have previously shared on your blog.
- If we accept your article, we will reply within 1-2 weeks to let you know.
- Be authentic and casual in your storytelling, as if you were sharing your story with a friend.
- After creating your first draft, thoroughly review your work, preferably aloud. Consider having a friend read it as well.
- Don’t forget to add a title!
- Articles should be in .docs or .pdf format. (No pages (Apple format) files please.)
- Due date for the December 1st issue is November 15th, 2024.
Suggested categories
Hope Stories
Mind & Body