Morningstar’s Miracle

Morningstar’s Miracle

It was just beginning to get warm in April of 2010 when we took a trip to Galveston with our kids who were 12 and 3 years old. About this time my husband had noticed a small pea sized ball on my left breast, never had he told me that I needed to go to the doctor but...
What does hope look like?

What does hope look like?

by Amy I was by myself at the hospital when I found out I had cancer.  It was 2020 and at the height of the Covid crisis.  No one was allowed to go with me, so I ventured in alone.  I never thought I’d actually have cancer.  Mind you, I...
My Inflammatory Breast Cancer Journey

My Inflammatory Breast Cancer Journey

By Aliki Cancer is a subject that a lot of people are afraid of, some tread around carefully, and others simply avoid discussing. And most, if not all, think that it will never happen to them. Until it does. In June 2022, at the age of 36 I was diagnosed with...
The Bright Side

The Bright Side

by Caryn Linn Yes, there are many things not to like about getting cancer and specifically Inflammatory Breast Cancer.   I try to focus on all the things that brought me happiness and positive vibes along the way.  When diagnosed in June 2015, I focused...

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