Layers of Healing

Layers of Healing

Five years ago, I was diagnosed with stage 3 inflammatory breast cancer at the age of 36.  I was a busy working seemingly healthy mom of two and suddenly I was a cancer patient. I hated taking something for a headache and here I was facing chemotherapy. I would...
A Mother’s Chaos & Connection

A Mother’s Chaos & Connection

Motherhood is tough. The chaos that pairs with the season of life when you live amongst littles has no better comparison than a zoo. I truly upped the ante adding cancer to our chaos. My husband travels a lot for work, and while in active treatment we had lined up...
My Children and My Cancer Journey

My Children and My Cancer Journey

There have been many things that I have overcome or learned to live with during my cancer treatment, the aftermath and the whole journey in general. The physical toll, the emotional rollercoaster, the mind games, the scanxiety, people’s ignorance and fear and...

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