Gabrielle (Gabby) Mottershead is from Manchester, England and is the founder of Confidence After Cancer, she provides coaching and support for women after cancer treatment ends.  

Gabby was inspired to start this support and coaching based on her own experience, she was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer in January 2008, and was shocked to be told that this cancer is rare and aggressive. She was aged 44, and the diagnosis was a shock. She had no lump, just a thickening of the skin. She didn’t feel unwell, but admits that she had just been through a very stressful year, being bullied at work, which resulted in her losing her job and then the death of her beloved father in law, on Christmas Day 2007 was another traumatic event adding to her already high stress levels.  

After diagnosis she followed the recommended treatment chemotherapy, mastectomy, radiotherapy, and several reconstruction operations. It was tough, but she was determined to be a survivor. At the end of all that she expected to emerge triumphant, but instead she suffered with depression and lack of confidence. After the rollercoaster of many months of treatment, when that ended she felt like she had been hit by a truck, the anxiety and fear of recurrence was all consuming for a while.  

She realised that there is lots of support for cancer patients during their treatment, but when that ends you can feel very much alone. She started to connect with other people on social media, and set up a support group, and was stunned by the numbers of women who contacted her saying they felt the same and had nowhere to turn to. Many women in particular contacted her saying that they felt like they had lost their identity with the cancer diagnosis, they no longer wanted to be a cancer patient, but had so many challenges in returning to life, and work in particular after treatment. Many people said they felt that the stressful lives they had been living had contributed to their illness, and Gabby could relate to that.  

After being told that IBC has a high recurrence rate, she searched for answers as to why some people survived, and others did not. She is not medically qualified, but her coaching work has given her many tools and strategies for cancer survival, and for rebuilding your life when all seems lost.  

Gabby believes that to really thrive, an open mind is essential, you may have to learn new habits such as not being so concerned as to what others think about you, and learning to value and nurture yourself. Learning to set boundaries in relationships and with work colleagues is a key step for many people in moving forward. Surrounding yourself with optimistic and positive people became non negotiable for her, and she left the toxic corporate job she had worked so hard to attain. She also had to take a long, hard look at some friendships and now only chooses to spend time with people who make her happy.  

She has written a short book, Supreme Confidence in 7 Days in which she says ‘The good news is that confidence can be learnt if you are willing to make some changes. In this book you will learn 7 simple steps to increase your confidence level’ 

Gabby works over zoom with women all around the world who want to embrace the next chapter of their lives when they finish cancer treatment with confidence. 

She also has an online course, Confidence After Cancer, which provides an holistic approach to healing mind, body and soul. 

Gabby is an experienced business and life coach. She is also a practitioner of NLP, a qualified Confidence Coach, a master Reiki healer, and she is passionate about Nutritional Healing. Her mission is to inspire healthy minds and healthy bodies. 

Gabby lives in Manchester, England with her husband Paul, her sons and grandchildren live nearby. She enjoys live music and holidays in the sun and has just returned from a rock festival in Cyprus. 

To contact Gabby: 

Get her free book – 7 Steps to Confidence here : E-book giveaway – Gabrielle Mottershead 


Confidence After Cancer website: 



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