

Photo taken in 2011 by Meg Senuta I hated the word the day I was well enough to drive myself to a church for my first IBC support group meeting. The letters on the sign out front read, “A Community of Hope.” My heart sank. Needing hope felt the same as having no hope....
What does hope look like?

What does hope look like?

by Amy I was by myself at the hospital when I found out I had cancer.  It was 2020 and at the height of the Covid crisis.  No one was allowed to go with me, so I ventured in alone.  I never thought I’d actually have cancer.  Mind you, I...
The Bright Side

The Bright Side

by Caryn Linn Yes, there are many things not to like about getting cancer and specifically Inflammatory Breast Cancer.   I try to focus on all the things that brought me happiness and positive vibes along the way.  When diagnosed in June 2015, I focused...

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