by Caryn Linn
Yes, there are many things not to like about getting cancer and specifically Inflammatory Breast Cancer. I try to focus on all the things that brought me happiness and positive vibes along the way. When diagnosed in June 2015, I focused on resources available to me as a cancer patient. I unfortunately did not find the IBC Network until I was out of “active” treatment. What I did find was a cancer resources center near me in San Jose. They offered; wigs, counseling and various classes like Survivorship a 6 week series. I found an online website where you could update your progress and you gave permission for friends and family to have access….thus saving you from repeating the same event over and over. I found a mentor program where they match you up with someone that has been through the same type of cancer as you.
I needed a lymphedema pump, which my insurance did not pay for. My therapist contacted the company and once a year they gift someone a pump. I was the recipient! Friends I had not seen came out of the wood work to help with food or transport during treatment. I never have to have a mammogram again (double mast)!!! I do not have to come home from work and take off my bra because 1) I was able to retire early because of IBC 2) I decided to stay flat (no reconstruction) and said bye bye bra.
Yes, there is still 6-month visits to the doc, dealing with lymphedema and endless heart issues, but I’m here, alive and living the best life I can. To quote Terry “Hope Always”
Hugs and Love,
Caryn Linn