What to watch for regarding recurrence.

What to watch for regarding recurrence.

A common question regarding inflammatory breast cancer recurrence is “what actually are we looking for?” I often get messages or emails from ladies asking about recurrence or progression of disease and they are not really sure what to look for. That alone is a...
The day my life changed forever.

The day my life changed forever.

September 20th, 2022 was a day I will never forget. It all started earlier in the month when, what seemed to be overnight, I started to develop a lump in my right breast. Knowing that I have fibrocystic breasts, I initially wasn’t overly alarmed. However, I decided I...
My Inflammatory Breast Cancer Journey

My Inflammatory Breast Cancer Journey

By Aliki Cancer is a subject that a lot of people are afraid of, some tread around carefully, and others simply avoid discussing. And most, if not all, think that it will never happen to them. Until it does. In June 2022, at the age of 36 I was diagnosed with...

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