Dr. Tara Cox
Professor, Marine Sciences, Savannah State University
IBC diagnosis, October 2021

  • The abstract is a summary of the article – you can read it, but if you do, jump to the last couple of sentences to get the big take-home message of the study.
  • Skip the introduction – this is all the PAST information. It will usually start with all the past statistics, and it will likely seem scary for IBC. You might want to jump to the last paragraph, which should explain what this specific study did.
  • Skip the methods – you will be bored out of your mind and not understand most of them.
  • Maybe look at the figures – these are graphics explaining the major results. Sometimes these are decipherable.
  • Read the first and last paragraphs of the Discussion – that is where the meat is. That is where they will summarize the major findings.

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