I am not brave
I am not strong
I am not a hero
I have cancer
I have no choice
I do what I must
I have fears
it’s hard to trust
I am not ok
I do not feel good
I no longer can do
what I once could
I don’t want more surgery
I don’t want more radiation
I don’t want any of this
Breast cancer for a second time
was never a plan of mine
And this time it’s a worse kind
If my doctor would have listened
my breast may not be missing
I have a lot of anger
I have a lot of sadness
I have a lot of thoughts
Sometimes I cry
Sometimes I try
Sometimes I wish I could fly
It’s hard to be happy
It’s hard to be grateful
It’s hard to …. Be
I will do it
I will keep going
I will get through it
But once again I will be never the same
But once again I will learn to live with pain
But once again I will have to adjust
But once again I will have to learn to trust
All I can do is live one day at a time
All I can do is make the most of what’s mine
All I can do is hope that there
is something worthwhile
at the end of the line
IBC we need to discuss
and get the doctors to listen to us