Guest blog by Diane Koster
Our visit to Stefanie Spielman Comprehensive Breast Center at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center took place on Monday, March 6, 2023. My husband, Kevin and I were greeted by administrator, Steven Kalister and joined by Heather LeFebvre from the research department and Tanya Florez from the development department. We sat and had a long chat about Lindsay’s IBC journey, Lindsay’s Legacy Fund, and the recently established IBC program at the Stefanie Spielman Breast Center.
To say we were impressed with this facility would be an understatement. The OSUCCC – James breast cancer treatment team members include world-renowned breast cancer subspecialists in the prevention, detection, treatment and cure of individual breast cancers. The road to establishing the IBC (inflammatory breast cancer) program has been a long road, but through the commitment of the medical professionals, administration, and funding (partially from The IBC Network Foundation), the concept became reality in honor of a colleague many held dear at OSUCCC, and who succumbed to IBC at a young age.
From the full-service boutique, to OT and PT, to a pharmacy and lab, to imaging and oncology sub-specialists, this one-stop shop has it all. Cutting edge research projects and education of staff about IBC throughout the system is a top priority for this center. Key words related to a potential IBC diagnosis are triggers for staff at all levels to expedite a patient through to the experts. A medical referral is not needed, as patients experiencing signs and symptoms of IBC can self-refer. Mental health specialists, family counseling, spiritual support, and financial navigation is included in this full-service experience.
No one should have to face inflammatory breast cancer alone, and at OSUCCC – James Stefanie Spielman Comprehensive Breast Cancer Center, you don’t have to. They are dedicated to each person’s personal journey and will be with you every step of the way. Lindsay’s Legacy Fund is so happy to have experienced this wonderful space and are glad we could add one more resource to their tool box to share with patients who may need some help paying for testing, treatment or travel.